90 Day Keto Challenge - Week Three


Week three - 90 day keto challenge

I’ve made it to week three of #90ketodays! Whoo hoo! To be fair, not every day has been keto - more on that in this update.

Reminder, this was my covid weight loss plan

The Goal: Lose 15 lbs in 90 days by following a ketogenic diet, tracking my food intake, and moving my body. 

Diet: Keto with a high protein focus. I will track my macros every single day. I will do some intermittent fasting and extended fasting. Click here for my post on what a full day of following a keto diet looks like for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Exercise: 1,000 jumps a day with my jump rope AND a minimum of 30 minutes additional activity. Example: walking the dog, strength training at the gym, gymnastics (once restrictions lift, I’m registered for a weekly gymnastics class for adults!)

Accountability: I will share an update every week on Sunday evening, here on my blog to let you know how the week went and share a weekly weigh in. Once a month, I will update my photos and measurements with before and after comparisons..

I will be so thrilled with myself when I accomplish these 90 days. I hope you will follow along on my journey!

Click here to see my starting weight, scale metrics, and before photos.


Surprise, I’m not perfect

When I started this challenge I was 100% ready to dig deep and follow my plan perfectly. It really hasn’t worked out that way, but I’m feeling great about it none the less.

This week I had a few days where I got lazy with tracking. So I can’t say for sure that I was keto every day.

I was definitely not keto on Wednesday when I ate McDonalds. 10 piece chicken nuggets with French fries and ketchup. I was under stress and it led me to eat emotionally. I cracked.

The good thing, I didn’t hate on myself for eating off plan. I simply picked up where I left off the next day. Head high and feet moving forward.

I continued to make many positive choices so that’s what I am choosing to focus on. Being perfect is unrealistic. It’s the consistency of moving forward and continuing to push ahead that ultimately leads to success.

I could quit today and say I’m a failure, but I don’t give up on myself easily, especially when things get difficult or don’t go to plan.

Starting Adult Gymnastics

I’ve grown to love being active and one of the benefits of getting stronger is getting to do things you wouldn’t have ever thought possible before.

This week, both my daughter and I started gymnastics together. I used to just drive her and sit in the car waiting until she was done. But I figured, why not challenge myself to try gymnastics. It was a ton of fun. I was able to try the uneven bars for the first time, go on a balance beam, and lean how to Tic Toc (I’ll show you what this is when I master it!).

I also played pickle ball for the second time this week. I’ll tell you, 1.5 hours of pickle ball is a deadly workout!

This week I nailed all of my workouts. 1,000 jump ropes a day as planned. At least 30 minutes of exercise every day. 3 times a week push up challenge. No matter what my days looked like, I found a way to meet those commitments.


I haven’t worked this hard physically since I completed #75hard. My body is sore all the time but it’s feels really good to push through - muscles are growing!

#90ketodays - week three weigh in results

Starting weight: 161.2 lbs

Week one weigh in: 157.6 lbs

Week two weigh in: 159.2 lbs

Week three weigh in: 159 lbs

Total weight lost this week: 0.2 lbs

I’m excited for next week when I can take new pictures and measurements to share with you.

We just had the time change too which meant it was bright out until 7:30 tonight! I feel the weight of winter melting off my shoulders and the kids have been loving the trampoline.

I’m hoping that this coming week I’ll be able to share some more progress with you!

If you’d like to drop your covid weight you should join me!

Feel free to tag me on Social Media and use #90ketodays so I can check in on your progress! Feel free to start at any date – even if I’ve already completed this challenge.

As always, I appreciate you reading and checking in on my journey! If you have any questions that you’d like answered about these next 90 days, please leave a comment below.



Read more about my #90ketodays on these other blog posts

Hi I’m JoannaAfter losing 60 lbs following a ketogenic diet, I’m passionate about living a healthy and active lifestyle. I live by example and want to encourage you to make big changes in your life, get creative, and accomplish more than you ever th…

Hi I’m Joanna

After losing 60 lbs following a ketogenic diet, I’m passionate about living a healthy and active lifestyle. I live by example and want to encourage you to make big changes in your life, get creative, and accomplish more than you ever thought possible.

Click  to learn more about me


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90 Day Keto Challenge - Week Four


Keto Air Fryer Jalapeño Poppers Appetizer