
Joanna Wilcox - KetoinCanada

Joanna Wilcox is a motivating health and fitness content creator from Woodstock, Ontario, Canada. After losing 60 lbs in one year through following a ketogenic diet, Joanna continued to embrace keto as a long term lifestyle.

Joanna is passionate about how small every day choices can have a major impact on your life. Joanna enjoys inspiring others through sharing her raw, real, and unfiltered health and fitness journey

She follows a ketogenic lifestyle which embraces low carb, high fat food choices and cutting out sugar.

What began as a way to document her weight loss journey online, Joanna's social channels morphed into a supportive community of women all seeking to better their health. She continues to document her evolving health and wellness journey creating content that inspires women to love and move their bodies.

Content found on Joanna's social channels ranges from product reviews, recipes, personal growth, lifestyle/parenting, and fitness.

Inspiring others through sharing her story

Keto Lifestyle

Following a ketogenic lifestyle helped Joanna lose 60 lbs and maintain a healthy weight. Her passion for this high fat, low carb lifestyle is fuelled by the delicious foods she can eat while feeling satisfied with her diet. Joanna helps guide others trough following keto with her Keto Diet for Beginners Guide, which has been sold globally, in over 35 countries.

Fitness Journey

Joanna began working out in 2018. Her fitness journey began as a nervous adventure with the help of her trainer Nate. Joanna has since, started working out on her own at the gym 5-6 days a week when it’s not closed due to the pandemic. She recently started a 1,000 jumps a day challenge to improve her cardio while at home. Inspiring many other women to pick up a jump rope as well.

Family Life

Joanna life revolves around her husband Steve, her two children, her cat Hero, and her dog Molly. Molly is a St. John Ambulance therapy dog and we are looking forward to visiting our friends at the Long Term Care Home once the pandemic is over. Joanna also volunteers with Big Brothers and Big Sisters, by facilitating their Go Girls! program in local schools.

Work with KetoinCanada

Joanna’s a full time Marketing Manager and has a Certified Marketing Specialist designation from the Canadian Marketing Association. Joanna selectively works with brands promoting products she enjoys, that add value to her life, and that she thinks her online community would enjoy.

A few brands that Joanna has worked with are:


If you think that KetoinCanada would be a good fit with your brand, please contact us here.

Speaking Engagements

Joanna has been a featured keto speaker at the following events:


If you have an event that you would like KetoinCanada to speak at, please contact us here.

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