90 Day Keto Challenge - Week Ten


Week ten - 90 day keto challenge

The week I didn’t screw it all up!!! That’s right friend, your girl somehow - miracle of all miracles - was able to stick to her plan this week and it was on of my most stressful weeks on the books!

Reminder, this was my covid weight loss plan

The Goal: Lose 15 lbs in 90 days by following a ketogenic diet, tracking my food intake, and moving my body. 

Diet: Keto with a high protein focus. I will track my macros every single day. I will do some intermittent fasting and extended fasting. Click here for my post on what a full day of following a keto diet looks like for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Exercise: 1,000 jumps a day with my jump rope AND a minimum of 30 minutes additional activity. Example: walking the dog, strength training at the gym, gymnastics (once restrictions lift, I’m registered for a weekly gymnastics class for adults!)

Accountability: I will share an update every week on Sunday evening, here on my blog to let you know how the week went and share a weekly weigh in. Once a month, I will update my photos and measurements with before and after comparisons.

I will be so thrilled with myself when I accomplish these 90 days. I hope you will follow along on my journey!

Click here to see my starting weight, scale metrics, and before photos.

What are my dreams telling me!?

I had three separate work dreams this week where I was 1. let go, 2. fired, and 3. performing a task so poorly that my whole dream revolved around me thinking I was going to lose my job. Even in the moments where I’m supposed to be able to relax and disconnect from work, I think about it all night while I’m sleeping!!!

Needless to say, I’m feeling a lot of pressure with work. Lots of deadlines and tasks that are more difficult to do remotely from home than with my double monitor set up at work. Carter interrupts me every 10-30 minutes because he got bored sitting in his remote learning or needs my help. Taylor is about the same…which equals a day full of constant distractions.

I’m getting my work done but I’m left feeling very stressed and overwhelmed by the end of each day. Friday was a tough day because after a full day of work/remote learning, and parenting I had to do my taxes. I think I was hoping the government would postpone the filing date again but it didn’t happen.

By the time I filed both Steve and my taxes, it was 9 pm and I still needed to fit in my 30 minutes of exercise and jump rope. Just a really long full day.

The kids aren’t thriving with online school. I try to have them establish some independence so that they don’t need my help, but it just ends up with them doing nothing. I’m working really hard not to feel guilty leaving them to fend for themselves because I have my own work to do. I’m also really lacking personal space. I thrive off having alone time. Time to think. Time without distraction.

Somehow, through the stress and challenges of the past week - I did not eat emotionally. Success!


Diet and Movement

I pretty much lived off my greek chicken (here’s the recipe) this week, and it’s been super helpful in helping me reach my protein goal of 120 grams every day. At lunch today, one chicken breast was 50 g of protein. That’s a little much for one meal. From what I’ve read, your body does have a limit to how much protein it can absorb at one time.

That’s why you’ll often hear about meal timing in the body building world. They’re spacing out their protein intake (and other macros). I don’t have the capacity to worry about meal timing - so if I can just hit my protein target every day, I’ll be a very happy camper.

I got outside as much as I could this week and getting in a few nature walks was very therapeutic. I walked every day with one C25K run day because I really just needed some time to myself.

Taylor did join me on one walk that was over an hour, and I was so impressed she didn’t complain even once.

It Doesn’t Take Long

I’ve noticed that regardless of my weight, when I can be intentional about movement and my diet, I start to feel more confident and more like myself. When I’m lacking control over the food I eat, I really just feel like garbage.

It’s funny how one week of doing the things you say you’re going to do, can cause a major shift in your mindset.

If you’re feeling out of sorts or like you can’t get it together, just remember that it’s always there waiting for you. Maybe you aren’t in the right mind space to implement the things you want right now…but eventually you’ll get back there. And in the meantime, practice self kindness - there are enough people against you in the world - don’t be one of them.

#90ketodays - week ten weigh in results

Starting weight: 161.2 lbs

Week one weigh in: 157.6 lbs

Week two weigh in: 159.2 lbs

Week three weigh in: 159 lbs

Week four weigh in: 160.7 lbs

Week five weigh in: 164 lbs

Week six weigh in: 164.7 lbs

Week seven weigh in: 164 lbs

Week eight weigh in: 166.7 lbs

Week nine weigh in: 165.3 lbs

Week ten weigh in: 163.1 lbs

Total weight lost past ten weeks: +2.1 lbs

So that’s cool - the lowest weight I’ve been in the past 6 weeks. Does this mean I’ve turned a corner!? Stay tuned to find out how next week goes. I’m feeling good about this!

If you’d like to drop your covid weight you should join me!

Feel free to tag me on Social Media and use #90ketodays so I can check in on your progress! Feel free to start at any date – even if I’ve already completed this challenge.

As always, I appreciate you reading and checking in on my journey! If you have any questions that you’d like answered about these next 90 days, please leave a comment below.



Read more about my #90ketodays on these other blog posts

Hi I’m JoannaAfter losing 60 lbs following a ketogenic diet, I’m passionate about living a healthy and active lifestyle. I live by example and want to encourage you to make big changes in your life, get creative, and accomplish more than you ever th…

Hi I’m Joanna

After losing 60 lbs following a ketogenic diet, I’m passionate about living a healthy and active lifestyle. I live by example and want to encourage you to make big changes in your life, get creative, and accomplish more than you ever thought possible.

Click  to learn more about me


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The Best Keto Greek Chicken