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90 Day Keto Challenge - Week Five

Week five - 90 day keto challenge

Well shit guys - week 5 didn’t feel like I was on a challenge and it was anything but keto.

This is proving to be the worst “keto” diet challenge I’ve ever done in my life and this week I’ve contemplated throwing in the towel.

Reminder, this was my covid weight loss plan

The Goal: Lose 15 lbs in 90 days by following a ketogenic diet, tracking my food intake, and moving my body. 

Diet: Keto with a high protein focus. I will track my macros every single day. I will do some intermittent fasting and extended fasting. Click here for my post on what a full day of following a keto diet looks like for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Exercise: 1,000 jumps a day with my jump rope AND a minimum of 30 minutes additional activity. Example: walking the dog, strength training at the gym, gymnastics (once restrictions lift, I’m registered for a weekly gymnastics class for adults!)

Accountability: I will share an update every week on Sunday evening, here on my blog to let you know how the week went and share a weekly weigh in. Once a month, I will update my photos and measurements with before and after comparisons.

I will be so thrilled with myself when I accomplish these 90 days. I hope you will follow along on my journey!

Click here to see my starting weight, scale metrics, and before photos.


This was the week of complete and utter backpedaling.

I didn’t stick to my diet, in fact I went so far in the opposite direction after eating a family sized bag of Spicy Dill Pickle Miss Vickies chips over the span of two days.

It was Steve’s birthday and I decided I was going to eat off plan. I didn’t listen to my body on Monday and was too full from the chips to eat dinner…but I still ate dinner.

This is the first time I can remember feeling so horrible! My stomach was so bloated and painful. I thought I was going to be sick at the restaurant. I came home and went to bed because I felt so sick.

I’m not sure if I was annoyed at the lack of scale progress but I just said crew it and did not follow my diet for most of the week.

At first I was annoyed at myself but in practicing kindness, it’s all good.

I’ve actually never felt better physically this week. I feel strong. My workouts are feeling amazing and I’m getting back in the grove. Tony, who I’d consider a gym friend, paid me a compliment that he was noticing the changes from my hard work and it was appreciated that because I work my ass off! I always wondered if one day, someone from the gym would say “Hey Joanna, I see you and your hard work and it’s paying off!” So that was nice.

And I’ve really LOVED the movement part of this challenge. If I didn’t have to work I would do the following every day: strength train, walk the dog, jump rope, and a yoga class. But I do work! So, life just looks like a mixture of those things right now.

In 20 years I’ll be retired (heck if my investments bless me with epic returns it might even happen next year!) and I can live the simple, active, quiet life my heart desires! Maybe i’ll live near the mountains so I can add hiking to this list of activities as well.

#90ketodays - week five weigh in results

Starting weight: 161.2 lbs

Week one weigh in: 157.6 lbs

Week two weigh in: 159.2 lbs

Week three weigh in: 159 lbs

Week four weigh in: 160.7 lbs

Week five weigh in: 164 lbs

Total weight lost past four weeks: +2.8 lbs

Quitting this challenge!?

I will say, this week has been a very trying one for many reasons. I felt especially down, sad, challenged, and have struggled. I have questioned moving forward with this challenge because I’ve completely bombed it thus far and I can’t see myself reaching the weight loss goal that I set out to achieve in the beginning with just under 60 days left.

I’m going to keep at it though because well, I’m always plugging away and moving forward at bettering myself - even when there are bumps along the way. While I think most people following along will at this point think I am a HUGE JOKE, I know that there are lessons here. I am not perfect and that’s perfectly okay with me.

If you’d like to drop your covid weight you should join me!

Feel free to tag me on Social Media and use #90ketodays so I can check in on your progress! Feel free to start at any date – even if I’ve already completed this challenge.

As always, I appreciate you reading and checking in on my journey! If you have any questions that you’d like answered about these next 90 days, please leave a comment below.



Read more about my #90ketodays on these other blog posts

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Hi I’m Joanna

After losing 60 lbs following a ketogenic diet, I’m passionate about living a healthy and active lifestyle. I live by example and want to encourage you to make big changes in your life, get creative, and accomplish more than you ever thought possible.

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